Hey nerdy people. It's me, the real Carlton Banks, aka the real Black Nerd, aka Bill Nye's 2nd cousin through adoption. Today, we have the Loser Philospher, Bobby Woody's new track, Find Freedom Lonely Losers
I don't know if you guys know, but I know Bobby Woody personally. He inspired me to make this blog shit. I was waiting for him to drop something so I could tell him what I think (and bash him heheh). People call him me. He's not me.
jk I'm totes Bobby Woody, guys.
ok back to the song
"I smell bullshit.. Must be cuffin season." HAHAHAH
Somebody should put this on RapGenius.com. There are quite a few lines here that I'm pretty sure most non-nerdy people just wouldn't get, or some of us nerds who probably didn't catch certain things the first time. I honestly missed a few, but then I listened a second time and was just like dayum. Mostly talking about the cartoon references like: "I'm battling tragedy and mana is baffling. Yugioh showed me dueling, but cartoons ain't explain gravity. It's a theory, it's grappling me down, this isn't happening." That line right there is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure the talk of mana getting lower (baffling) is from Bakugan or one of the old TCG's that we all used to be on when we were kids and then it leads on into Yu-Gi-Oh which sets up a bit of a playful tone. The part that's like "Cartoons ain't explain gravity... It's grappling me down," suddenly saddens everything. Although, I thought that was a bit cool because it referred to the album art (which is a screenshot of the Pigeon Man episode of Hey Arnold) that I heard mentioned nowhere else. In reality, Pigeon Man would not be able to be carried by pigeons lol. That's a bit of an underlying plot for the next line where Woody (hehe funny name) where he begins to speak as he's in a conversation with someone else talking a confused girl out of suicide. "Starfire made it look easy." Flying=Suicide. It's.. touching?
The chorus is okay. Should've kept Amber Coffman on it! Her voice was so beautiful! and that body is so.. statesque..
The next verse starts out a bit offbeat to me, but it's the one I like best. The first line alone, "There is the American dream and the Black American Teen," is a big criticism on the American dream. If you read Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie's dream of a house of their own and working for themselves; that was and still is widely considered as the American Dream. The dream of a large amount (NOT ALL) of black kids wanting to be rappers or models. Again, not all, just a majority. Two very skewed dreams. It leads into talk of murders and a father brutally hitting his family. This is the area of which Bobby wants to Get Free of. One last line I'll touch on that almost gave me hope in humanity was "I seek answers that Sophocles couldn't reach. I'm in the search for pansophy. Maybe man will see that pansophy isn't impossible, but most of man's greatest knowledge has yet to be thought of." That line is a little stroke of intellect. I love it. I know we all know Sophocles (the ancient Greek playwright). I'm assuming by "couldn't reach," means that he died, or couldn't live long enough to experience everything. (Maybe this line is about Aeschylus. lol) At first, I thought it was a mistake and he meant to say Socrates the philosopher. As it keep going he mentions "The search for pansophy." Pansophy is basically, knowing everything. Ancient Greek philosophers believed it was possible to write down everything they knew into books. Apparently Bobby does too, just not yet. I feel like the Sophocles/Pansophy lines were supposed to connect somewhere, but I'm not sure. welp.
One line that I just didn't get in this song was "As I jump through dimensions like breach and breach security.." This is why we need Rap Genius. lol
The song was brilliant and the lyrics are well-crafted. If I could write so much about one of his remixes, imagine what I could do if this dude dropped a mixtape? You need to stop playing that one song a month thing and drop something serious! Or Imagine what I'd write about Kendrick Lamar's new album.. yeah haha. Go listen to it and support a Baltimore artist that I support.
Download Find Freedom Lonely Losers by Bobby Woody
This review was brought to you by Waverly Spades, and now I'm off to exaggeratingly belabor some other poor sucker's submission.
lol okay thank you for this, man. I love it. Here, I put the song on RapGenius and explained a few of the lines.
I love it man. You really did an essay on my one song haha. All of your "explanations" are pretty much right. you should put them on RG yourself. lol.
There was no real Pigeon Man reference, but I can see where that would come from
I honestly didn't think that even you would get the Starfire line.
AHHH I just noticed I fucked up the Sophocles/Socrates. -facepalm-
but really, thank you man! This means a lot. keep this blog up and write more!
DICK. stop saying you're me. lol.